Official Visit to Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey

Professor Bassem K. Khafagy recently met with Professor Dr. Özlenen Özkan, rector of Akdeniz University, in Antalya, Turkey. “Akdeniz University will support the WSU Global Summit .. and will also support W-S-U on the way to the Summit” Prof. Dr. Özlenen Özkan,...

W-S-U collaborates with Smart University Foundation, S-U-F

W-S-U Collaborates with “Smart University Foundation, S-U-F” in getting Universities “Smarter” and Expanding “Leadership Development” Initiatives “Our collaboration will foster international cooperation, understanding, and inclusion...

W-S-U is Born

W-S-U is envisioned to become a global International Organization (IO) with founders, members, and partners, representing 200+ countries, and ranging from education ministries, universities, colleges, corporations, NGOs, student bodies, in addition to experts and...