W-S-U is a platform in which individuals, institutions, corporations, NGOs, government agencies can discover, critically examine, share, preserve, and transmit the knowledge, research, wisdom, and values related to the future of universities. 

W-S-U will enhance collaboration and communication between leaders and stakeholders in universities, colleges, and higher education institutions

The world today has more than 30,000 universities.  Collectively, they are educating and empowering the next generation of citizens, employees, and entrepreneurs.  The better the university the higher the chance of having stronger and better societies and communities.  

Unheard Voices

It is unfortunate that the voices of the majority of these 30,000+ universities are not heard enough when thought leaders and experts discuss the future of higher education.  The majority of universities are extremely underrepresented.  

Additionally, other than academic leaders of major universities, the voices of other elements of the ecosystem of higher education, like NGOs, corporations, student bodies, and consultants are also absent from the current debate on the future of higher education.  This must change!

Global Change

One of the keywords about recent global trends is “Change”.  Universities teach change, call for it, and believe in it.  However, universities are also in real need of change. 

New realities, economic changes, innovative technologies, endemics,  democratic changes, and creative management practices are all significantly affecting societies and changing workplaces. The world of higher education needs to catch up.  

Currently, on a world scale, there are a limited number of organizations and foundations who are focusing on the future of all universities and not only a select few. 

The World Summit on Universities, W-S-U, takes a holistic global approach in assisting university leaders and stakeholders to collaborate, partner, and find the best solutions to common problems affecting the future of higher education. W-S-U will address the need of “Change” in higher education