W-S-U is envisioned to become a global International Organization (IO) with founders, members, and partners, representing 200+ countries, and ranging from education ministries, universities, colleges, corporations, NGOs, student bodies, in addition to experts and consultants.
“It is therefore envisioned that the world is critically in need of an international organization to represent and empower these leaders and members of the academic ecosystem and its diverse and expanding stakeholders. “
The world has formed many International Organizations (IO) during our contemporary history to deal with global problems and opportunities, and to also represent the interests and aspirations of different industries and fields of knowledge. Some of these international organizations focused on the diverse areas of education and human development.
Universities & Global Challenges
Over the past 200 years, universities expanded to cover the entire globe with more than 30,000+ public and private institutions as of 2021. During these past two centuries, most of the debate and discussions about universities were centered around the university from the point of view of professors.
It is now the turn of humanity and all other higher education stakeholders throughout the world to focus on the future of universities as one of the most important organs of human development. Universities are not just about academia and diplomas. It is shaping the future of humanity in significant and diverse ways.
The Need for W-S-U
Governments, NGOs. corporations, experts, and community leaders are all part of the stakeholders of universities. Their opinion must not be ignored. As the problems facing humanity are becoming more global than anytime before, the challenges facing universities are also becoming more global in their nature.
These challenges must also be addressed with a world-wide outlook, awareness, and solutions. Leaders of all stakeholders of the ecosystem of universities and higher education are an important element of shaping this future.
It is therefore envisioned that the world is critically in need of an international organization to represent and empower these leaders and members of the academic ecosystem and its diverse and expanding stakeholders.
W-S-U is Born!
The “World Summit on Universities, WSU” was born in late 2018 as an initiative envisioned and founded by Prof. Bassem K. Khafagy, the Secretary General of Smart University Foundation, S-U-F. In 2019, the initiative was adopted by S-U-F, and a series of global meetings, workshops, and debates helped to shape the prospects of this initiative.
It was determined, as a result of these meetings, that W-S-U would better serve its purposes and aspirations if it became an independent International Organization (IO). in 2020, the entire world faced a real global epidemic which affected universities in significant ways.
It affirmed the need for an international organization (IO) to be the voice of world universities, in addition to the entire higher education ecosystem – individuals, institutions, corporations, NGOs, and government agencies.
In early 2021, The “World Summit on Universities, WSU” was registered as an International Organization (IO) in the United States of America, It is currently headquartered in San Diego, California, USA.